Anders Picture Gallery.

From this page you have access to a lot of pictures regarding the Family.
To view a picture just click the reference.
You may also get a copy of the picture (file) by pressing the SHIFT-tab when you click the reference.
Warning. Be aware that some of the files are rather big and will take some time to download with a slow connection.

If you have pictures you want to share with others, please contact me, so I might insert a reference to the pictures from this page.

Anders som gutt. (115 KB).
Anders og Sofie som unge.(100 KB).
Anders de siste årene (105 KB)
Sofie og Anders med barna Ester og Sverre. (65 KB)
Datteren Ellen tatt i Progresso, Mexico i 1954 (210 KB).
Ellen's barn Hilde, Liv og Ellen (196?).(135 KB).
Anders og Sofie i Gamle Hellesund (200 KB)
Anders og kompisen Håkon Knudsen i Gamle Hellesund (160 KB)